
Seeking to resolve differences and disputes mutually and respectfully.


Supporting respectful dispute





Wills & estates


Welcome to Collaborative Professionals WA

We support your collaborative team

Collaborative Professionals WA is a group of trained professionals who believe the best way to resolve a dispute is through respectful transparent teamwork.

Financial Expertise

Financial neutral

Coaching & counselling

Collaborative Coach

Advice & representation


Family law

Collaborative practice helps you and your former partner resolve the family law issues arising from your separation without going to Family Court.

You and your former partner may not be able to pin down arrangements for the kids, or agree who keeps the house, how much cash or super you each walk away with or who pays the bills. You may have struggled to communicate or find any common ground about any parenting or financial issue.

Whatever remains up in the air, if you and your former partner agree to collaborate, the collaborative process provides you with the framework, the information, the professional advice and the support you need to work through each issue respectfully and constructively, reach an agreement and move on.

Wills and estates

Are you seeking a respectful, dignified, and non-confrontational way to navigate a complex estate plan or a deceased estate conflict?

Collaborative practice is an early-stage, holistic, team-based resolution strategy that allows families to resolve estate conflicts both pre- and post-death in a way that reduces costs and preserves family relationships.

While the collaborative process is guided and managed by lawyers, the lawyers are not in ‘opposition’ but rather are working together with the parties to reach an amicable, sustainable settlement.

Want to find out more, and see if it's right for you?

To get started, select the relevant option, and we will be in touch to provide information.

Family law

Collaborative practice helps you and your former partner resolve the family law issues arising from your separation without going to Family Court.

You and your former partner may not be able to pin down arrangements for the kids, or agree who keeps the house, how much cash or super you each walk away with or who pays the bills. You may have struggled to communicate or find any common ground about any parenting or financial issue.

Whatever remains up in the air, if you and your former partner agree to collaborate, the collaborative process provides you with the framework, the information, the professional advice and the support you need to work through each issue respectfully and constructively, reach an agreement and move on.

Collaborative practice can also help people who are still together work out who will get what in the event they do separate and make a binding financial agreement, often referred to as “pre nups”.

Your collaborative team is customised to you and you will each have your own lawyer. The team may also include other collaborative professionals. A collaborative coach can manage the process and keep everyone on track and communicating well. A financial advisor can make sure everyone understands the options and potential financial outcomes on the table.

All team members sign a formal document called the Participation Agreement which sets out the ground rules and confirms that you agree not to begin court proceedings. Then the team tackles one issue at a time in a series of business-like meetings, agreeing on who needs to do what and what the timeframe and the agenda ought to be for the next meeting.

Family law disputes damage families. Collaborative Practice provides you with a formal and recognised alternative dispute resolution process. It allows you to control the outcome and protects your family from the stress, uncertainty and cost of Family Court proceedings, while preserving or even improving relationships.

Wills and estates

Are you seeking a respectful, dignified, and non-confrontational way to navigate a complex estate plan or a deceased estate conflict?

Collaborative practice is an early-stage, holistic, team-based resolution strategy that allows families to resolve estate conflicts both pre- and post-death in a way that reduces costs and preserves family relationships. While the collaborative process is guided and managed by lawyers, the lawyers are not in ‘opposition’ but rather are working together with the parties to reach an amicable, sustainable settlement.

Collaborative estate planning gives you and your family an open and respectful space to communicate with legal and financial advice on hand. Everyone will understand your wishes and the reasons for your estate planning strategy. You will have the peace of mind that you have acknowledged the needs and expectations of your family members and that they will have no surprises.

Resolving Estate Disputes

You can also use collaborative practice to resolve all types of estate disputes. Someone may want more from the estate, someone may say the will is not valid or someone may claim they were promised something they didn’t receive.

Whatever the estate dispute, your family agrees to find a solution together without going to court and preserving respect, dignity, and privacy.

Your collaborative team of professionals helps your family to work through the issues and identify each party’s needs. Unlike court litigation, you control the process and the outcome at your own pace.  Family relationships are preserved, and the inheritance isn’t thrown away in court costs. You will have the freedom to resolve your own dispute in the way that suits you best.


What can we find for you?

Information sessions

Provide your details and we will be in touch to arrange an information session for you.

Training opportunities

Provide your details and we will be in touch about upcoming training opportunities.