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Find a Collaborative Professional

The following collaborative professionals are all members of Collaborative Professionals WA and can assist with a collaborative case.

Areas of practice

Katherine Bromfield

Bromfield Family Law

Dianne Claffey

Communique Family Conflict Solutions

Rhoda Mason

Mediator and Family Dispute Resolution

Penny Rowse

Clairs Keeley Lawyers

Ella Hickman

Hickman Family Lawyers

Curtis Ward

Clairs Keeley Lawyers    

Christina Yi

Allegra Family Lawyers

Michèle Cohen

Michèle Cohen Counselling Services

Karen Stubbs

Divorce Ease / Life Mediation

Vincent Tan

Clairs Keeley Lawyers

Terry Posma

Terry Posma Forensic Accountant

James McLeod

Capital Partners Private Wealth

Rob Crossing

Crossing Family Lawyers


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